Repercussions of politicized regulation exemplified by compulsory new TC1507-maize 90-day rat feeding study




TC1507, DAS-Ø15Ø7-1, 90-day rat feeding study, regulation, prescriptive, GMO, EFSA


Politicized and prescriptive regulation of genetically modified (GM) crops has unintended adverse effects, including misdirected resources and reduced benefits.  In the case of animal testing, this suboptimal use of resources includes the needless sacrifice of animals.  Whole-food animal feeding studies are generally of negligible value in the risk assessment of GM crops, a position that was affirmed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).  Contrary to EFSA’s 2011 position, in 2013, the European Commission directed that 90-day rat studies be conducted for new GM events.  As no EFSA guidance was available for hypothesis-free 90-day rat feeding studies, EFSA interpreted this as a mandate to develop a prescriptive study design.  Recently, EFSA has retroactively required 90-day rat studies be completed under new study guidelines for previously approved component single events as part of the approval of breeding stacks.  Having been unable to secure a derogation (exemption) from EFSA, a new compulsory 90-day rat study was conducted with TC1507 maize to support a breeding-stack submission.  As previously shown, TC1507 maize does not adversely affect rats.  This politically driven additional animal testing is risk disproportionate, at odds with European and international standards for animal welfare, and provides no scientific value to the safety assessment for GM breeding stacks.


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2022-11-18 — Updated on 2023-02-06




Scientific Articles

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Repercussions of politicized regulation exemplified by compulsory new TC1507-maize 90-day rat feeding study . (2023). Journal of Regulatory Science, 10(1), 1-30. (Original work published 2022)

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