
Login or Register to make a submission.

Author Guidelines

The submission process is entirely online, and you must be registered as an author to submit articles. To register:

  1. Complete the registration form here.
  2. Select the "Author" checkbox.
  3. Click "Register" to return to the user home page.
Prior to submitting an article, please review our Author Guidelines.
To submit an article for consideration:
  1. Login here.
  2. Start your submission here. (Note: You can save your progress at any time during the submission process and return to complete the submission at a later date by selecting "Active Submissions" from the Author Home page.)
  3. Complete the 5-step submission process outlined below:

    Step 1. Start
    • Select the appropriate section for your submission from the drop down menu.
    • Once you have selected the appropriate section, confirm that your submission falls within the Section Policy description.
    • Indicate that the submission is ready to be considered by the JRS by checking off the items in the Submission Requirements.
    • In the "Comments for the Editor" text box, include suggestions (name, title, email) for three potential suitable reviewers who are well versed in the field of your manuscript.
    • Indicate that you agree to the terms of the copyright statement.
    • Click "Save and continue".

    Step 2. Upload Submission
    • Select the submission file you wish to upload.
    • Select the type of file you have uploaded from the Article Component drop down menu.
    • Click "Continue".
    • Repeat the above steps for any supplementary files you wish to upload. Supplementary files might include research instruments, data sets, sources that otherwise would be unavailable to readers, figures or tables that cannot be integrated into the text, or other materials that add to the contribution of the work.
    • Review the details of the file you have uploaded.
    • Click "Continue".
    • Click "Complete" to confirm that you are finished uploading files.
    • Click "Add Another File" to add any additional files.

    Step 3. Enter Metadata
    • Enter the title and abstract.
    • Click "Add Contributor" to enter additional author information. You will need to enter the full name, email, and country for each author.
    • Provide at least 2 sub-disciplines that your submission falls under in the "Additional Refinements Subjects" box.
    • Provide 4-8 keywords (or phrases) to facilitate online searches in the "Keywords" box.
    • Provide a formatted list of references for works cited in this submission in the "References" box. Citations should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association. You are referred to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Details can also be found online here. For more information on reference formatting, visit our Author Guidelines.
    • Click "Save and continue".

    Step 4. Confirmation
    • Your submission has been uploaded and is ready to be sent. At this point, you are able to go back to review and adjust any of your submission information. Only continue once you are finished with any and all editing and are prepared to submit your submission.
    • Click "Finish Submission".

    Step 5. Next Steps
    • Your submission is complete. Once you have finished the submission process, the submission's principal contact will receive an acknowledgement by email and will be able to view the submission's progress through the editorial process by logging in to the journal website.

For additional details about the online publishing system, please refer to the Public Knowledge Project Guide to Online Publishing. For more information about submissions, please visit our Author Guidelines.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • All authors have given approval for the submission of this manuscript.
  • Contact information for all authors is included in the manuscript and provided during the submission process. (Author information includes full name, email address, affiliation and address.)
  • The submission file is in a common word processing file format (e.g., .doc) and includes the use of line numbering.
  • The manuscript has been reviewed closely for spelling, grammar, and readability.
  • The manuscript has been reviewed closely for plagiarism
  • The manuscript follows the guidelines outlined here: American Psychological Association Website.
  • The citations follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association, and my references list is in alphabetical order. Examples can be found here .
  • Suggestions (name, title, email) for three potential suitable reviewers who are well versed in the field of the manuscript are included.
  • All authors have declared all conflict of interest in the manuscript.
  • Failure to complete these steps may result in publication delays or rejection of the paper for resubmission.

Scientific Articles

Original research to advance the science of creating tools, standards, and practices to improve the protection and compliance of regulated products. Content is of a strong interdisciplinary interest, or unusual interest to the specialist.

(length up to 10,000 words)

Review Articles

Description or evaluation of a book or other materials of interest to the general audience in regulatory science. Should be broad in scope and be of interest to the general audience in regulatory science.

(length subject to Editor discretion)

Rapid Communication

Presents a singular point of immediate interest to the regulatory community in response to a current or pending incident that may include an inspection technique, analytical procedure, or implications of a policy decision. May contribute to one sub-discipline of regulatory science.

(length up to 4,000 words)

Policy Commentaries

Presents an evaluation of a regulatory standard, impact analysis of a regulatory standard, or related investigations.

(length up to 8,000 words)

Letter to the Editor

Comments on a recently published article in order to offer alternate theories, add relevant information, make corrections, or request clarification. The author of the original article will be given the opportunity to write and publish a response. Letters to the editor may be subject to peer review at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. If you are interested in submitting a letter, we encourage you to email our editorial team at prior to submitting.

(length subject to Editor discretion)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.