Stacked Trait Products Are As Safe As Non-Genetically Modified (GM) Products Developed By Conventional Breeding Practices




stacked trait product, breeding stack, GM event, GM trait, single event, genetically modified plant


International safety assessments and independent publications conclude that stacking genetically modified (GM) traits (events) through conventional breeding poses no greater risk to food or feed safety than stacking multiple non-GM traits by conventional breeding. Stacked trait products are not substantially different from their conventional comparator or their GM parent plants. Additional safety assessment of a stacked trait product produced by conventional breeding should not be required unless there is a plausible and testable hypothesis for interaction of the traits. However, the different approaches employed for the regulation of stacked trait products between countries results in asynchronous approvals, increasing the potential for trade flow disruptions, and adds to the regulatory burden for product developers. Considering their proven safety and benefit over the past 20+ years, regulatory authorities in some countries do not regulate stacked trait products, while others have simplified the approval process based on experience and sound science, reducing or eliminating the need for additional regulatory oversight. Countries that choose to regulate stacked trait products should consider integrating the more than 20 years of safety assessment experience, history of safe use, and global regulatory experience, in their approach to reduce redundancy, simplify regulations, and minimize the likelihood for trade disruption.

doi: 10.21423/jrs-v09i1goodwin


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How to Cite

Stacked Trait Products Are As Safe As Non-Genetically Modified (GM) Products Developed By Conventional Breeding Practices. (2021). Journal of Regulatory Science, 9(1), 22-25.

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